#WF E03: Self-Care in the middle of Quarantine

‘Kamusta ka na?’ Have you ever asked that question to yourself, especially during this quarantine period? How did you take care of yourself amidst this pandemic? Let’s seat back and talk about how you’re doing despite the whole chaos the world is having.

Continue reading “#WF E03: Self-Care in the middle of Quarantine”

#WF E01: Hala, ano na?!

Yey, congratulations you have finally finished school, no more thesis papers to cram, no more nights digesting lectures, and especially no more stress from your ruthless professors. Years had passed by and you are finally free.

However, you finally froze, bits of terror starting to creep all over your body. And with your diploma on your hand, you said in horror, “Ano na? Ano na gagawin ko?”

Continue reading “#WF E01: Hala, ano na?!”



Welcome to #withoutfilter where blabber and rant anything under the sun without thinking of its repurcussions!

So for a little back story of this new postings, I was about to do a podcast due to my quarantine-life boredom. A podcast all about anything under the sun that is worth-ranting and talked about. I have this feeling from the past days that I wanted to tell so many people about certain things in this world that we rarely talk about. Well, I have been already doing that from the past stories that I have posted here, however I wanted to create a more personal or more direct conversation about those things. Something to directly lecture or inspire other people, if ever.

I think I recorded about five episodes already, and when I was about to record the sixth I got the sudden realization that podcast isn’t really a thing for me lol. I kept on binging Adulting with Joyce Pring on Spotify, and I swear her podcast is so good! She kept on talking about how traverse through adult life with gusto. So that made me think that “well, I think I could do that, too.” BUT I found my voice so irritating. No kidding lol.

Then I decided to turn it into a vlog, and it made it much worse. Why did I even think that recording myself with a camera is much better than recording myself with a microphone?

But since vlogging and recording podcasts aren’t really my thing, I have decided to turn it into words and create a new segment in this wordpress blog. My goal is to post new episodes / post every Monday evening, and I do hope that I could keep doing that. But well, I am temporarily unemployed at the moment so I have so much time to write and think of new ideas to write about.

So that’s it! To keep you updated of the weekly episode, kindly follow this blog or click this link for my socials!

Thank you very much, and have a nice day!
